Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time Flies at College

Wow! It's been over 6 weeks at college already!

I would love to know where the time has gone!? To me it still feels like college is just starting, but once I think about it I realize that I really have been here that long! I never realized that people were actually telling the truth when they say that, "Time flies by at college."

I remember when I started out my Math 1015 class at the beginning of the year. I explained to my friends and family that it was a "self-taught" class and that we just have to take the quizzes and tests by the deadline, but we could take them anytime before then as well. Along with explaining the class, I had told myself as well as friends and family that I would probably try to take most of the stuff ahead of time so that I could finish the class early and not have to worry about it throughout the semester.

Well, as time goes on I realize that it is much harder to keep the plan that I had originally intended. While trying to balance out homework, tests, and assignments in other classes, I don't have as much time to study my math and go to the emporium for tests as I had expected. The worst obstacle keeping me from getting to the emporium more often is my motivation for going to the bus stop! It's not bad once I've gotten on the bus, it's just the unwanted walking to the bus.

Now I know in order to follow through with my intended plan, I will have to figure out a way to work up my motivation to go to the emporium and bus stop more often! I have told myself that I want to get ahead this week because of the Fall Break coming up. I plan on leaving as soon as my last class ends on Thursday, and I hope to have most of my work done so I will have a free weekend and not have to worry about homework.
Because I am planning on this I have to make sure my motivation for this week is extra high!
Hopefully I will be able to accomplish my small goal I set for myself this week, which is to raise my motivation.

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