Thursday, October 28, 2010


Halloween weekend is coming up and I couldn't be more excited! No, no parties for me. I'm just ecstatic about carving pumpkins this weekend with family and friends! Even though it is "family weekend" here at Tech, I'm going home instead because it's only a 30 minute drive.

As Halloween approaches, it's an eye opener for how fast the semester is flying by. We only have about one more month of classes before exams, and it's scary yet exciting.

Thinking about this makes me realize that I have about one month to keep my grades up, and improve them. While I don't have any grades that need a significant improvement, I would like to strive to raise my B's to higher B's or A's, and to even raise my A's higher if possible. Although I'm not quite sure exactly what my math grade is, I know that that class is probably my weakest at the moment. I need to put in more effort in that class without losing my effort in the other classes.
Final exams are getting close and I need to start focusing on studying. I'm not sure exactly what to expect, so I'll have to try and be prepared for anything. I know my cumulative final exams are definitely going to require more time than the others. Although finals still seem like a long way away, I know that they will approach sooner than expected so, I hope to be prepared by planning way ahead.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Infinite Potential

This week was definitely busier than any week so far! Instead of school though, I was in Indianapolis, Indiana for National FFA Convention. Our FFA dairy judging team had won the state competition and we would be competing at the national level! We left for National Convention on Tuesday Oct. 19th on an Abbott charter bus.

The bus ride was terrible, as always. Not that it wasn't fun being with everyone, it's just your typical 'stuck on a bus for 10 hours' scenario that no one truly enjoys. However, once we finally made it to the hotel everyone was in awe. The hotel was different, nothing like we'd stayed in before. The middle was completely open and the rooms had an "outside feel" to them, although everything was inside.
Then, the fun began. Studying for the contest. Although our coach said that she was not going to make us cram for the competition, most of the members of the team still studied making sure we knew as much as we could before the competition.

Team pictures were at 2:30 on Wednesday, and team orientation started at 3:30. Shortly after team orientation, our written part of the contest was to begin. This written part included an exam, sire selection and pedigree classes, and a team problem. While our team was as prepared as we could be, the staff running the contest definitely wasn't. We realized soon after that this was one of the most disorganized competitions we had ever seen.
The next morning we had hoped it would be better, but it was not. We were supposed to begin judging cattle at 8:30, we did not start until at least 9. After judging 6 classes, we went on to our 5 cows for linear  evaluation. As soon as linear ended, we had a short snack/lunch break and started to study our oral reasons. Eventually oral reasons began and then the contest was over. Unfortunately, we did not end the contest that day until 3:30.
Luckily, we were able to fill out comment sheets and our displeased team made sure to inform them of how unorganized they were.

While the competition wasn't what we were hoping for, we ended up with a silver team rating and we were pleased with that. Three team members got silver individual ratings and one received a gold individual rating. Our team still managed to have a blast at National Convention! Half of our chapter went ice skating one night, while the other half went to see Secretariat (which was an amazing movie). Everyone got along and we had a late night competition of Bananagrams!
While it was my last year, I'm very happy that it was a mostly overall positive experience for the others who will be returning next year!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A big sigh of relief

Well, the week of midterms is finally over! That was a hectic week, but I'm glad to get it over with!

Midterms definitely weren't what I was expecting. They were about like all the other tests I've had so far, just all at once. The thing that killed me the most was dealing with my time management to make sure I had studied for everything as much as I could. I admit, I would get stuck on one thing and forget to study for something else and then have to try to make up for the time missed.

My philosophy exam was first on the list. Luckily, my philosophy teacher from high school had taught our class just as he taught his college students at Virginia Western Community College. So, when the time came for our test the layout was almost exactly the same as my high school teacher's tests. I breathed a big sigh of relief upon seeing that and started my test. The only thing I had to worry about was, again, time management. In my high school philosophy class I was always the last to finish the tests, taking advantage of the fact that the teacher would let us stay after class to finish the test. Yet, in college it wasn't like that anymore. I had 50, and only 50 minutes to finish my test which consisted of: identifying whether or not arguments were valid, four short answer questions, and an essay. Luckily, I finished with 8 minutes to spare!!

Next on my busy Wednesday, was my biology exam that was at 8 p.m. I was the most worried about this exam because we had started getting in to the hard chapters and I didn't fully understand everything in the chapters. A few of my friends and I decided to go to the biology review session the previous night though, so I had definitely understood more than what I would have just on my own. My friend Summer and I also met up after my biology lab and studied our iClicker questions. Thank goodness for that, because there were a lot of those on the test that night! Well, the time came and the tests were passed out, I flipped mine over and began. Starting from the beginning I was getting a little stuck, so I did what I normally do when I get stuck on tests and flipped it over and began from the back. The questions on the back were mainly about the things we had gone over in the review session, so I flew through them and eventually made my way back to the beginning. Once I got back to the few questions I had gotten stuck on my mind was deep into the material, so they weren't as hard as when I had started the test.

After my biology exam on Wednesday, I felt so relieved! I was done for the week!
I did realize I had some time management issues I needed to work on and hope to fix them before finals!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Midterm Season

Midterm season is approaching quickly and I'm not as prepared as I was hoping!

As "coach" of myself, I have to keep my motivation up! I have to be prepared for the unexpected (like tests that are nothing like the material I've studied), just like a coach of a football team has to be prepared for unexpected plays from the opposing team. Also, I have to "practice", or study, in order to make sure I do my best. To be sure I do as well as I can, I will go in with my head held up high telling myself, "I CAN do this!"

I'm most anxious about the level of difficulty of the midterms. The way everyone has played them out to be, they sound like they're going to be very hard. I have been doing my best to keep up with the material I am learning, and I am not putting it off until the last second to learn. By not putting things off until the last second, I'm putting myself ahead of the game because I will have less weight on my shoulders when studying for midterms and when taking the tests.

I will have to focus on my strengths in order to do well on my midterms, and "win the season." In order to do well, I will also have to be sure I know and understand the material. I need to ask questions when needed and find new creative ways to study and keep myself interested, instead of just reading from the book or notes. Lately, I've been sidetracked very easily when studying because I've just been going over notes and reading from the book. Adding new study habits into the mix might help me stay on track. By changing up my study habits, I won't become bored with the material and might actually discover something that works best for me.

After midterm season, I will have to look at my overall grades in the class, and my grades on the midterm. Looking at my grades in my classes will help me to see how I could raise them, and it will show me if I've been doing well in class or not. By looking at my grades on the midterm I will be able to see just how well I know the material in the class. Midterm grades can also help me to prepare for finals when they come around. Although finals will not be for a while, I can get a head start on being prepared by viewing over my midterms in classes and getting an idea of what the finals will be like.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time Flies at College

Wow! It's been over 6 weeks at college already!

I would love to know where the time has gone!? To me it still feels like college is just starting, but once I think about it I realize that I really have been here that long! I never realized that people were actually telling the truth when they say that, "Time flies by at college."

I remember when I started out my Math 1015 class at the beginning of the year. I explained to my friends and family that it was a "self-taught" class and that we just have to take the quizzes and tests by the deadline, but we could take them anytime before then as well. Along with explaining the class, I had told myself as well as friends and family that I would probably try to take most of the stuff ahead of time so that I could finish the class early and not have to worry about it throughout the semester.

Well, as time goes on I realize that it is much harder to keep the plan that I had originally intended. While trying to balance out homework, tests, and assignments in other classes, I don't have as much time to study my math and go to the emporium for tests as I had expected. The worst obstacle keeping me from getting to the emporium more often is my motivation for going to the bus stop! It's not bad once I've gotten on the bus, it's just the unwanted walking to the bus.

Now I know in order to follow through with my intended plan, I will have to figure out a way to work up my motivation to go to the emporium and bus stop more often! I have told myself that I want to get ahead this week because of the Fall Break coming up. I plan on leaving as soon as my last class ends on Thursday, and I hope to have most of my work done so I will have a free weekend and not have to worry about homework.
Because I am planning on this I have to make sure my motivation for this week is extra high!
Hopefully I will be able to accomplish my small goal I set for myself this week, which is to raise my motivation.