Sunday, October 17, 2010

A big sigh of relief

Well, the week of midterms is finally over! That was a hectic week, but I'm glad to get it over with!

Midterms definitely weren't what I was expecting. They were about like all the other tests I've had so far, just all at once. The thing that killed me the most was dealing with my time management to make sure I had studied for everything as much as I could. I admit, I would get stuck on one thing and forget to study for something else and then have to try to make up for the time missed.

My philosophy exam was first on the list. Luckily, my philosophy teacher from high school had taught our class just as he taught his college students at Virginia Western Community College. So, when the time came for our test the layout was almost exactly the same as my high school teacher's tests. I breathed a big sigh of relief upon seeing that and started my test. The only thing I had to worry about was, again, time management. In my high school philosophy class I was always the last to finish the tests, taking advantage of the fact that the teacher would let us stay after class to finish the test. Yet, in college it wasn't like that anymore. I had 50, and only 50 minutes to finish my test which consisted of: identifying whether or not arguments were valid, four short answer questions, and an essay. Luckily, I finished with 8 minutes to spare!!

Next on my busy Wednesday, was my biology exam that was at 8 p.m. I was the most worried about this exam because we had started getting in to the hard chapters and I didn't fully understand everything in the chapters. A few of my friends and I decided to go to the biology review session the previous night though, so I had definitely understood more than what I would have just on my own. My friend Summer and I also met up after my biology lab and studied our iClicker questions. Thank goodness for that, because there were a lot of those on the test that night! Well, the time came and the tests were passed out, I flipped mine over and began. Starting from the beginning I was getting a little stuck, so I did what I normally do when I get stuck on tests and flipped it over and began from the back. The questions on the back were mainly about the things we had gone over in the review session, so I flew through them and eventually made my way back to the beginning. Once I got back to the few questions I had gotten stuck on my mind was deep into the material, so they weren't as hard as when I had started the test.

After my biology exam on Wednesday, I felt so relieved! I was done for the week!
I did realize I had some time management issues I needed to work on and hope to fix them before finals!

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