Sunday, September 26, 2010

State Fair

This school week was a little bit different, and a little more stressful than normal.

I ended up leaving on Thursday to go to the State Fair of Virginia, so I had to make sure all my work was packed up with me for the weekend. I missed one of my classes for the first time, which felt weird, but I had a friend in an earlier class so she was able to let me know everything that was talked about. I went to the State Fair of Virginia because I was showing five of my dairy cattle there. It was definitely different being in college and trying to get everything ready before leaving.

Usually I'm home helping to pack up the truck and trailer during the week, but this time I wasn't there. I had to rely (and hope) on my mom to pack everything we needed for the four and a half hour trip. Luckily speaking over the phone with her during the week, I was able to remind her about what not to forget. She did well and didn't forget anything important (except for a butter knife for making peanut butter and jelly).

We left around 6 p.m. on Thursday and got to the fair with the cattle around 10:30 p.m. that night. The trip had worn us out, so we quickly unloaded the cattle, fed and watered them, and headed to the hotel. The weekend flew by, with so much stuff going on in the barns and with the shows, I barely had time to look at my homework! Sadly, I felt rushed when we got back on Sunday. I had hardly any time to look at my homework and had to get it all done tonight.

Now I know that if I ever decide to take my cattle to another show while I'm in college, I'll definitely have to prepare myself better. I will need to get as much homework done as possible before leaving for the show. Then, I will need to balance my time in between showing and taking care of the calves and try to work on homework as much as possible.
Luckily, I have no more shows this year, so I won't have to worry about rushing anymore!!

(By the way, I planned on uploading pictures from showing, but for some reason my computer will not let me tonight. So, I'll be sure to eventually put some up!)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, please share some pictures from all of your hardwork and showing. In college, we have to be able to juggle the many responsibilities. It is honestly the trick of "college." But dont beat yourself up over choosing one activity over another. You really just have to prioritize and juggle. I hope that you had a successful showing year.
