Sunday, October 10, 2010

Midterm Season

Midterm season is approaching quickly and I'm not as prepared as I was hoping!

As "coach" of myself, I have to keep my motivation up! I have to be prepared for the unexpected (like tests that are nothing like the material I've studied), just like a coach of a football team has to be prepared for unexpected plays from the opposing team. Also, I have to "practice", or study, in order to make sure I do my best. To be sure I do as well as I can, I will go in with my head held up high telling myself, "I CAN do this!"

I'm most anxious about the level of difficulty of the midterms. The way everyone has played them out to be, they sound like they're going to be very hard. I have been doing my best to keep up with the material I am learning, and I am not putting it off until the last second to learn. By not putting things off until the last second, I'm putting myself ahead of the game because I will have less weight on my shoulders when studying for midterms and when taking the tests.

I will have to focus on my strengths in order to do well on my midterms, and "win the season." In order to do well, I will also have to be sure I know and understand the material. I need to ask questions when needed and find new creative ways to study and keep myself interested, instead of just reading from the book or notes. Lately, I've been sidetracked very easily when studying because I've just been going over notes and reading from the book. Adding new study habits into the mix might help me stay on track. By changing up my study habits, I won't become bored with the material and might actually discover something that works best for me.

After midterm season, I will have to look at my overall grades in the class, and my grades on the midterm. Looking at my grades in my classes will help me to see how I could raise them, and it will show me if I've been doing well in class or not. By looking at my grades on the midterm I will be able to see just how well I know the material in the class. Midterm grades can also help me to prepare for finals when they come around. Although finals will not be for a while, I can get a head start on being prepared by viewing over my midterms in classes and getting an idea of what the finals will be like.

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