Sunday, September 12, 2010

Not as easy as I had expected

As I ended my third week of college, I realized that my workload is getting heavier.

I have a philosophy paper due in about a week, a biology exam on Wednesday night from 8-10 p.m., and homework from all my other classes.

Now, this might not seem like that much at the moment, but compared to the last two weeks, it's definitely much more.

Especially since one of the chapters that's going to be on our biology exam, is pretty confusing! It's about lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, etc., and we have to have models like these (pictured below and to the right) memorized. Ahh! Luckily, chapter 3 is the only hard chapter out of the 4 chapters we have on the exam. I've already printed out all the study guides and have started to fill them out using notes, slides from the lectures, and the book. On top of that I've been attempting to read the chapters in the book, although sometimes it gets really boring and I have to take a break. Hopefully by pushing myself and trying my hardest to make sure I know the material, the exam won't be as overwhelming as I expect.

Next on the list I have a short essay due on the 20th in philosophy, granted I'm not as stressed about this paper because I understand everything we are discussing in philosophy and know that I can definitely write about our topic for the essay. I just want to make sure that it is going to be written well enough to get me a high grade. I also want to make sure I plan out enough time throughout the week to have it written and finished by the weekend so that I don't have to rush or stress this weekend.

Finally, on top of these two major items, I have little quizzes and homework that I have to keep up with in other classes. I have a math quiz due by Wednesday (which I plan to take either tomorrow or Tuesday), I have a lab quiz I have to have taken before class on Wednesday, and I have problem sets due at the end of the week in my Ag. Economics class.

I know though, that if I plan my schedule right, that I will be able to keep up with all of this! It's just a wake up call saying "Hey, you just started to get into this, don't think it's that easy just yet!"

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